"Love is a taste of paradise."-- Sholem Aleichem
"Our love, or our lack of it...will in the end be an expression of ourselves: of who we think we are, of what we want to be, of what we think we are here for." -- Thomas Merton
"But love...is more than three words mumbled before bedtime. Love is sustained by action, a pattern of devotion in the things we do for each other every day." -- Nicholas Sparks
"The most desired gift of love is not diamonds or roses or chocolate. It is focused attention." -- Rick Warren
"Security in a relationship lies neither in looking back to what it was in nostalgia, nor forward to what it might be...but living in the present relationship and accepting it as it is now." -- Anne Morrow Lindbergh
"Maybe step one is compatibility. I'm not talking about the kind of chemistry that flames out with the first hint of stress; I mean the kind that deepens, sweetens, and strengthens into genuine intimacy, the kind that sustains people through kids and carpools, stomach flus and mortgage payments." -- Oprah Winfrey
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